Reverse Email Lookup

Reverse Email Finder — OSINT Email Search Lookup

Find who owns an email address and associated accounts related to an email address online. IPQualityScore's OSINT reverse email lookup tool is the perfect solution for deeper email address lookups that reveal identity and risk details associated with a user. Use this free email search lookup tool for greater insight into online users and email address quality.

Verify emails in real-time to confirm a genuine user behind the email address. Our reverse email finder technology checks social media accounts, past purchase history, account registrations, and similar consumer databases for identity data associated with an email address. Take reverse email lookups to the next level with enhanced email verification practices to better understand valid, invalid, or fraudulent emails online.

Reverse Email Address Lookup

Reverse Email Finder For OSINT Email Intelligence

IPQS's free reverse email search lookup can identify the owner behind an email address, in addition to other important reputation factors like email age, validation status, domain health, online account activity, and advanced risk checks including detecting disposable email domains. Access over 25 data points about an email address through our reverse email search service. Since emails are frequently compromised, a real-time risk score is also included which checks leaked emails and threat reports.

IPQualityScore's reverse email address lookup also can validate emails to confirm an email is currently active and able to receive new messages. Since older data could be included in a reverse email search, it's important to determine which addresses are invalid or would result in a bounce error, which can negatively impact email deliverability rates.

What Can a Reverse Email Lookup Reveal?

Test our reverse email address search tool to verify an email address is valid, while also finding the owner of an email address. Each reverse email lookup can provide important details, such as an email owner's name, phone number, address, online activity, and location details. A backwards email search is a great technique to help verify account registrations and payments being processed through a website or app.

Recent Email Address Trends

OSINT email address intelligence can enrich a customer or user's profile with a wealth of data to better understand their intentions, locations, and behavior. Understanding email address reputation is another part of this layer. Since emails can be easily created, they are frequently abused. Here's some recent email address trends we discovered:

  • Over 40% of emails are SPAM — It's no surprise that SPAM is a huge issue in today's competitive cyber security environment, with over 3 billion SPAM emails sent per day.
  • 65% of cybercriminals send malicious phishing emails. Phishing attacks result in over 12 billion of losses annually in the US. Our phishing detection service can identify risky links or emails.
  • Fake accounts can compromise 5-15% of online users — Using an email validator tool is important to verify user quality during registration to prevent new account opening fraud. Additional protection is also needed to identify suspicous logins to mitigate account takeover attacks.

IPQualityScore's threat intelligence powers deep OSINT email checks to accurately detect fraudulent emails and abusive users. Pairing additional signals like IP address reputation or even more advanced metrics from browser fingerprinting, can provide further detection for digital impersonation and suspicious activity online.

Learn about IPQS Email Verification

Reverse Email Lookup Activity


US Email Addresses


Consumer Identity Signals


Email Lookup Accuracy

How Does a Reverse Email Lookup Work?

Use our email lookup tool above to perform a real-time free reverse email lookup, which checks over 100 consumer databases online to locate the owner of an email address. Since the status of an inbox can frequently change, each email address search will also perform checks to verify email addresses. Our reverse email finder will append all known persona details to build an identity profile around an email address.

Using Reverse Email Search To Understand Domain Reputation

Our free reverse email lookup can also append important details relating to the email's domain risk score, which is influenced by how well the mail server is setup on the domain's servers. For example, a mail server that frequently allows SPAM, temporary email services, or abuse like email scams would contribute to an elevated domain reputation risk. Proper rDNS, SPF, and DKIM records are positive indicators that the mail server is well configured.

How to Leverage Email Fraud Detection and Risk Scoring

Are you facing issues with fraudulent emails? Better filter emails during sign up, lead capture, and similar action points. Our reverse lookup technology is also layered with advanced email address risk analysis, to identify fake emails or addresses that have been associated with abusive behavior such as phishing, chargebacks, bots, etc. Test a live email now with our free email bounce checker tool.

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